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Saturday, May 10, 2014
Don't know what got into Davey yesterday afternoon, but he turned into a "wildman". There was some sort of game he had devised in his doggy brain, and he was enjoying it to no end. He had one of his toys in each room; he can make a big circle thru the downstairs. He was racing as fast as he could from one room to the next, grabbing the toy, tossing it high in the air, before moving on. He was traveling so fast he was sliding around corners on the hardwood floor. This went on and on and on! He then grabbed his bunny and ran up in front of me, growling and talking, beating the bunny mightily on the floor, with his "Come on, let's fight over the bunny" look. We fought over possession of the poor bedraggled little rabbit for a while, then it was back to racing around. He was just full of it. He plays very hard over a toy, arfing, making growly noises, tugging; but one finger pointed at him, saying "that's enough" and he drops it and is done. He has such wonderful manners. Other little people in the household - please take note.